
September, 13-17, 2024

Stromboli è un vulcano attivo che sorge dal mare, circondato da case bianche. È una cartolina del Sud Italia, un piccolo teatro di paese, un luogo dove pochi nascono, pochissimi rimangono e molti arrivano da rotte sparse. Stromboli è scienza e superstizione, rifugio e trappola. Come vorresti conoscerla? Come potresti raccontarla? Questo workshop invita fotografi e amatori a esplorare il microcosmo di Stromboli in modo da sviluppare ulteriormente la propria visione e linguaggio visivo. Lasciando da parte le basi più tecniche della fotografia, lavoreremo su sessioni di scatto, selezione e sequenza. Affronteremo discussioni di gruppo incentrate su strategie narrative, sulla creazione di rapporti mentre si lavora sul campo, sulla capacità di far percepire a chi guarda l’atmosfera del luogo e sul superamento di rappresentazioni esotizzanti e stereotipate di chi è fotografato e del suo ambiente. Lavorando sul confine sempre mutevole tra fotografia documentaria e visione personale, tra reale e surreale, questo workshop sarà un omaggio alle infinite sfumature di Stromboli e un dialogo sulla fotografia come passaporto per i luoghi a cui non apparteniamo e come espressione di sé.

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from September 13th to September 17th, 2024


From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
From 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM


Minimum 8, maximum 20:

Computers,cameras, video cameras - if necessary, participants will be asked to bring their own.


Workshop only: €750 per person, by August13th

Earlybird: €680 by July13th

NOTINCLUDED IN THE PRICE: meals, accommodation, transportation.

A deposit of €250 is required for registration.


Workshop+ board and lodging: €1250 per person, by August 13th

Earlybird: €1130 by July 13th

A deposit of €250 isrequired for registration.

To participate in our activities, membership in THE DOCKS aps association is required. The membership fee is €20 and is valid for one calendar year.

Workshop + accommodation for 5 nights (it is recommended to arrive the day before the start of the workshop, but accommodation on June 12th is NOT included in the price).

Lunch at the workshop venue +breakfast menu (juice/granita + coffee/cappuccino + croissant, any additional items are not included in the price). Bar Restaurant ilCanneto.


Accommodation arrangements for participants will be made in the last week based on participants needs. Therefore, we won't know immediately who will stay in which house, and as a result, we are unable to provide photos or details of the houses right away. The accommodations will be beautiful typical Aeolian houses, each with a kitchen, garden, or terrace, and each one different from the other. The accommodations come with sheets and towels.

The provided board includes one meal per day, lunch, at the communicated times.

Accommodations will be available from 9:00 AM on the workshop day and must be vacated by 10:00 AM the day after the workshop ends.


Ferry from the port of Naples: departs every Tuesday and Friday at 8:00 PM. Arrival at 6:00AM (dawn) is spectacular.
Hydrofoil from the port of Naples: takes four to five hours, available every day.
Hydrofoils from the port of Milazzo (Sicily): 3 trips per day, takes two hours.
Milazzo is connected by shuttles to Catania airport.
P.S. Hydrofoil schedules are available on the LibertyLines website.

For those traveling from outside the area, we provide contacts for accommodations affiliated with the association.
The address of the location will be forwarded via email immediately after registration and payment.

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