
Photographs Carmine Covino e Gaetano Ippolito

Cover illustration Davide Arpaia

Texts, editing, graphic project THE DOCKS aps

Print Creative Studio Moreno

Interno su Fedrigoni Materica gesso 120gr.

Copertina su Sirio Black 295gr.

Size 14,5cm x 21cm

Editions 100

Finished to print in Naples, March 2022

The eastern part of Naples, better known as Gianturco, until a few decades ago was called an industrial area by all Neapolitans, because for centuries it was the land designated by the king to build factories for leather processing, far from the heart of the city .

Where today there are Chinese megastores and Roma shacks, in ancient times there were the marshes that ran along the legendary Sabeto river and there were twenty-eight mills powered by the watercourse which then flowed into the sea.

With the law of 8 July 1904 for industrial growth, strongly supported by the jurist Emanuele Gianturco, the area was dismantled and entirely rebuilt to encourage development that should have stemmed the problem of unemployment.

Today, with the decommissioning of most of the plants, the space presents itself with the typical characteristics of a non-place, a patch of territory populated by stray dogs and homeless people who, like ghosts, wander among the urban skeletons of refineries, slaughterhouses and tobacconists.

The Trentatré fanzine documents the different areas of the city of Naples with the ambition of weaving a path for the physical and cultural reappropriation of the territory and making a mapping that allows the potential of the places to be highlighted.

Gianturco is the second area of ​​interest identified.

You can get one or more copies of the fanzine through a free donation, contact us for more information.

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